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Nova direktorica na čelu Manor Softwarea Ivana Kovačić tvrtku vidi kao modernu, brzu i fleksibilnu s fokusom na podizanju zadovoljstva zaposlenika
Manor Software je kao tvrtka kćer, vodeća za e-trgovinu, poslovni softver i IT podršku. Ima više od 20 godina iskustva u vođenju i IT podršci prema Manor AG Basel, vodećem švicarskom lancu robnih kuća. Hrvatski tim MSZ stvara besprijekorno, najsuvremenije...

Više od 120 godina vjere u izvrsnost zaposlenika
Manor je među najprepoznatljivijim domaćim brendovima u Švicarskoj, a njegova hrvatska podružnica Manor Software podržava tu izvrsnost koja se brine o više od milijun kupaca. Hrvatska informatička tvrtka Manor Software iza sebe ima jedinstvenu godinu rasta bez...

Knowing the context is crucial for quality development in ERP logistics
Discover the challenges and workflows of in our IT ERP Logistics Services team. Gain Insights from Željko Fijan, an experienced Application Manager.

Four reasons to consider working at Manor Software
Are you looking for a new opportunity? Manor Software is actively expanding its team. If you're searching for a new job, here are four quick reasons why you should consider working for Manor Software. We had a pleasant chat with Jérémie Geus, Director of IT Customer...

How education and company support helped Anita move from administration to technical role
Manor Software supports our employees’ ambitions. Anita recently transitioned from a long-term administrative position to a technical role in our EDI team. She shared her inspiring story on how continuing her college education helped her secure this new position within the company

Insights from an Experienced Azure Integration Team Developer
We talked to Slaven, our experienced team member, about working in an international dynamic environment as an Azure Integration developer in Manor Software.